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The Untold Stories of

Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

The Born in a Bar book series is a collection of short stories sent in by Marines to share their humorous experiences during their time with other Marines. These stories aren't for everyone.    

Who should read this book: Marines first and foremost. Those with a 'military-style' sense of humor who aren’t offended easily: Navy Seals, Rangers, PJs, cops, firefighters, and anyone else who thinks they are 'special.' This book is NOT politically correct, and we will NOT apologize for it. 


Who shouldn’t read this: My pastor, my parents, my wife, your wife, officers over the rank of Captain (with the exception of helo pilots), the National Guard, and those with a weak stomach and low tolerance for the four S's: Swearing, Strippers, Stupidity, and Sloppy drunkenness.




Born in a Bar:

The Untold Stories of
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
Another Round

Do you have a funny story that you would like to share?
Of course you do! Let's hear it. Sound Off! 

submissions being accepted
for book three! 
My Story

What is a Marine?


A Marine is a leader of men, a teller of tall tales, a legend in his own mind. The United States Marine extraordinaire is stream fordable, air droppable, beer fueled, and water-cooled. They are authors,  history makers, lecturers, travelers, freedom fighters, and defenders of the faith. Revolutions started wars fought, tigers tamed, , bars emptied, and alligators castrated. Let us win your hearts and minds or we'll burn down your fucking hut.

Is there a more accurate definition? I highly doubt it.  


I am a U.S. Marine.


Throughout my 18 years in the Marines, I've noticed one thing we all have in common: We find humor in things we shouldn’t, and laugh when others would cry. Our knack for inappropriate shenanigans is not only remarkable but also legendary. We find hilarity in the most horrible situations. Maybe it’s a defense mechanism, or maybe it’s just that we really are a group of fucked up, sick-sense-of-humor, what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-us individuals. My goal is to share my stories and those of other Marines  in hopes of spreading some laughter in the world. Maybe it will even compel you to reach out to a buddy to reminisce and laugh about your own time in service. 

Where I've been: I joined in 1993, PI, Security Forces Kingsbay NSB, Scout at 1st LAR, Forward Observer at India Battery 3/14, Chief Instructor at II MEF SOTG/CAST, Liaison Chief at Sierra Battery 5/10, RCT 7 Fires Chief in Fallujah, Iraq 2004, and a bunch of shitty schools along the way. 

Semper Fi - Gunny E

Contact Me - Send me your Story

Thanks for submitting, Semper Fi!


Submission Tips & Suggestions

1. I don't expect crayon eaters to be able to string together a masterpiece comedy routine. Just tell your story. 

2. Don't worry about punctuation or proper sentence structure. 

3. The military is acronym hell. Spell out uncommon ones at least once. 

4. There is no length requirement, but try include details to let the readers feel like they are part of your story: Ranks, unit, location, and year where applicable.  Feel free to change names. If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine as well. 

5. If  your story crosses the wide gray line of morality, I reserve the right to not include it. 


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